How do you divine from your hand? You no longer need to go to a chiromancer for the answer to this question. The secret knowledge is (literally) at your fingertips. All you need to do is carefully trace the lifelines, heart and head. Their length and shape are the carriers of secret knowledge about our character, talents, flaws, advantages and future turns of fate. Find out how to explore it yourself and read it correctly.
Palm divination is called chiromancy (from the Greek cheir, the hand and manteia - divination). The history of this mystical art goes back several thousand years and, interestingly, is present in almost all cultures around the world. Before chiromancy became the domain of gypsies and old folk soothsayers, it was practised by ancient philosophers, Hindu and Chinese sages, and later 19th century astrologers. The most famous of these was the British William John Warner called Cheiro. His services were used by members of the highest intellectual, artistic and aristocratic circles, including Thomas Edison, Oscar Wilde, Mark Twain and the British royal family. Belief in the magical power of hand-reading prophecies thus united people regardless of their background or status - and to this day, according to many, is the key to discovering the secret of one's destiny.
From which hand does one divine? The meaning of right and left hand in palmistry
It is possible to divine with either the right or the left hand - it all depends on what information we want to acquire about ourselves. It also matters which hand is dominant. The lines on the dominant hand relate to the present and the future. They show the opportunities, challenges and limitations that project and give direction to our lives. The other hand provides knowledge of our unique personality traits, which remain constant and are not subject to external influences (you could say we were born with them). We read from them information about our potential, temperament, strengths and weaknesses.
It is important to consider the lines on both palms, not just one, when doing a divination. Only then will we be able to fully read and understand our position in life and see the opportunities ahead of us.
How to divine from the hand? Positioning of the lifeline, heart and head
Before you move on to hand divination, locate the position of the three basic lines: life, heart and head. They are like secret portals, giving insight into the secrets of our personality and future. Where are they located?
Heart line (of love) is visible uppermost. It starts just below the index or middle finger and descends diagonally downwards.
Headline is located in the very centre of the hand, under the heart line. It runs diagonally from the centre of the palm downwards.
Lifeline It is located at the lowest point and extends from the hollow between the thumb and forefinger to the wrist. It forms the most curved arch.
Once you have figured out where the three most important types of lines lie, you can move on to the practical part of hand divination.
Heart lines on the hands - how to read them?
The love line symbolises the sphere of feelings and emotions in our lives, including matters of sex, friendship, romance, as well as long-term, engaging relationships. Once you have located it, note whether it starts below the index finger or middle finger. If the heart line starts below the index finger, it means we are written for a long, satisfying relationship and loving fulfilment. If it starts below the middle finger, we probably find it difficult to engage in serious relationships and finding that one special person may be more difficult in our case. A long, strong and deep love line can also be interpreted as aiming for a stable, monogamous relationship that lasts for years. If this line is fractured, has kinks or ripples - in which case we may meet multiple partners in our lives and experience repeated love ups and downs.
Headline on the hands - what does it mean?
The head line, located in the centre of the palm, refers to our intellectual potential and ambitions in this sphere. In people with a strong appetite for knowledge and scientific achievement, it is deep and clear. If it is formed in this way, it also means that we think logically, clearly and quickly. If it is short and shallow, it means that we prefer physical activities and our intellectual efforts may not produce the desired results. A head line that forms a sweeping arc is a sign of creativity and artistic flair. It may herald success in this field. Straight - suggests a firm grounding in reality. Ragged and intermittent can mean that we have memory and attention problems. A more optimistic variant implies that we often have moments of 'enlightenment' and can afford to make breakthroughs.
Lifeline on the hands - what does it say?
We come to the final line, which determines our well-being, vitality and physical attributes. Contrary to appearances, it has nothing to do with life expectancy and it is impossible to read from it whether we will live a short or long life. If the line is indeed long and, moreover, clear and deep, it only means that we are by nature mobile, full of energy and curious about the world. People with such a lifeline are often successful in sports and also... in business, because they don't like to stand still, they are made for action and thus achieve success. A short, indistinct and intermittent lifeline instead suggests that we are people who tire quickly and need a lot of recovery time. In addition, they lack enthusiasm and do not have the drive needed to change the world. If the lifeline itself is shallow, but divides into a 'bundle' of finer ones, it means that the person is independent, walks his or her own paths and cares about his or her own autonomy.