A celebration of love

This special feeling is not exclusive to couples and we experience it in many ways. Parental love, sisterly love, brotherly love, friendship - each type of love enriches our lives and makes them fuller.

Love for a partner/partner is special. It all starts with falling in love - you meet this person and suddenly you feel that the world favours you. You embark on this magical journey with butterflies in your stomach, bumps on your cheeks, happiness in your heart and the wonderful conviction that life is beautiful and that you can do anything. Yes, the first phase of falling in love is lust and the euphoria of life, to which we like to return with memories when we are in the later stages of the relationship. Because love has its own dynamics and over time it reveals its successive "layers" - attachment, intimacy, understanding, closeness. "The tool" for building closeness is touch and through it we strengthen the bonds of love every day. Stroking, hugging, holding hands has great power. Remember that love changes and we change in love, something that stays the same is the feeling that we are with the best person in the world. 

There is a special love that depends only on us and over which we have total influence - love of self. Let's nurture it in ourselves, take care of it, be good to ourselves - it's where it all starts and it's never too late for it! 

Let's go for love, just as Agnieszka Osiecka encouraged:

"Into this new love

I would run like this,

as it sets off

moon and bird,

this new love

I would be able to take,

as you take

hand chamomile."

#loveislove, #GiveMeYourHands

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