
Hands are our business card

"Show me your hands and I will tell you what you are like". You can challenge these words by saying that sometimes we have well-groomed hands and sometimes we don't. There are times when we are weeding, cleaning, doing renovations; then our hands don't look the way we would expect them to look to ourselves. We are talking about people who work in other circumstances on a daily basis: [...]

Sense of touch

The senses allow us to perceive the world, to experience it, to experience special moments - they are our wonderful human equipment, allowing us to live fully and have a relationship with the world. We tend to attribute the greatest importance to the senses of sight and hearing - as the ones we "use" most often and the ones that most determine the quality of our lives. We often forget the importance and crucial [...]

December is a month of challenges, especially for the hands

In December, it is also common to experience a permanent lack of time for oneself. How do we reconcile all this with caring for dry skin and taking care of our hands? The answer is the handy lab home treatment. Home SPA! It only takes 30 minutes to regenerate the hands, skin of the forearms and elbows. How to do it: Extreme Retinol Regenerating hand mask Extreme Hyaluron Revitalizing hand mask Home [...]

We are happy to take your hands in ours

The new brand combines the joy of holistic hand care, expert knowledge and ideas related to art and psychology.Carefully selected active ingredients and a convenient form of application that is a home handy-spa ritual are just some of the brand's product differentiators.The range includes Extreme Retinol Regenerating hand mask and Extreme Hyaluron Revitalizing hand mask, each focused around a different [...]

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